About - OverSoar Digital Co., Ltd.


1. Know OverSoar

Founded in 2017 and 2018, starting from the creation of mobile device software, it has been an indispensable member of the software industry. The company is committed to providing a young team of professional software outsourcing and outsourcing services for customers and partners. The customer groups served include the public sector, information service industry, financial industry, circulation industry, telecommunications service industry, manufacturing industry, medical industry, news media industry, insurance industry and other major listed companies, organizations and institutions. We provide high-quality technical talents, resident development, complete client education and training, and related technology transfer services, so that customers can focus more on product innovation and business operations, and allow partners to have more diverse and flexible development. space.

  1. Main products and services: project development and management, mobile device software development and design, smart application software development and design, web design and development, industrial software development and design, commercial software development and design, IoT, IoV, Block Chain, third-party payment, industry 4.0, Value add reseller.
  2. Company location: 11F.-1, No. 12, Guanghua 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 802675, Taiwan


2. OverSoar Culture

  1. Business philosophy:

Overcome the existing and soar infinitely. OverSoar Digital Technology continues to step out of the circle, unrestricted development, and combine technologies in various fields of technology to create products that are more in line with needs. We grow and learn with our partners, have fun together, share the joy of work together, break through the barriers together, and enter the world together. We only have partners and comrades, without the barriers of employee supervisors. Join OverSoar, you are also a pioneer.

  1. Core value:

Integrity, integrity, youth, creativity, innovation, cooperation, customer orientation, unrestricted, multi-tentacles, commitment, integrity, and service.

  1. Partner characteristics:

Health, equality, openness, sharing, joint participation, freedom, self-discipline, initiative, optimism, positive, tenacity, courage, self-confidence, learning, multi-faceted, amoeba, not afraid of challenges, not admit defeat, like to break through.

  1. Vision and mission:

Honesty is the foundation of success. We always believe in our words and act rightly. Success is not only economic success, but also the widespread respect, trust and good reputation we have won. The company always adheres to the “people-oriented” principle, pays attention to improving the working skills and cultural quality of partners, and improves partners’ loyalty and work enthusiasm by cultivating partners to promote excellent cultural traditions and establish correct values, ethics and codes of conduct. Respect and affirm the uniqueness of each person. The company has established the corporate values ​​of being proud of innovation and winning, and has successfully realized corporate culture management. Let business partners have more democracy, more autonomy, independence and creativity, and the belief in victory. The company establishes a friendly work and workplace environment, and a system that is superior to laws, regulations, and decrees, so that partners can learn, grow, and thrive with the company at work with peace of mind and wholeheartedly.  


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